Loneliness can effect all of us, at any age, at some point in our lives. It might last a week, a month or longer. You may have lost someone close to you or feel isolated in your community.

Don't punish yourself about feeling this way. We can speak to you in confidence and help you find out about what's available locally that may help you feel less lonely and give you the opportunities to meet new people or deal with any feelings of sadness.

  • We can help you think about what you would like to do more of 
  • We can help you access services that can offer new ideas around how to look after yourself
  • We can put you in touch with activities and professionals who can help you to improve your physical and emotional health such as eating well, exercise and keeping active
  • We can help you find out about ways to share your skills and time with others with activities such as volunteering or enrolling on a course
  • We can help you find out about what's on locally so you can start to get involved in community activities