Happy New Year to you all! We hope you had a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas break with your loved ones. It's good to be back supporting local residents here at Care Network.

We're all happily fed and rested following the holidays and wanted to share some of our favourite highlights from behind the scenes over the festive period, that brought a challenging but successful 2022 to a close here in BwD.

Thank you to all our staff, trustees, volunteers, partners and customers for a wonderful year. We appreciate all your hard work and support. Here's to a fulfilling 2023!

Resolve Christmas Party

Our Resolve Group had a fabulous time celebrating together at their Christmas Party! Great food, company, games, gifts and giggles as always! Thank you to all of you that joined us.

December LD & Autism Boards

The Learning Disability & Autism Board Meetings took place in December. The December meeting was held via Zoom. 

We raised £80 for the Regional LD Blackpool Conference in our Christmas Raffle and shared our well wishes with Cheryl, who has recently finished at the council. We'd like to send our thanks to Cheryl who has been incredibly supportive of Care Network over the years. She is pictured below with the Mayor, along with our fabulous raffle prizes!

Staff Celebrations & World Cup Sweepstake

Our team had a wonderful time celebrating the arrival of the festive season and our achievements back in December. We enjoyed Christmas Jumper Day, a Christmas meal out at the Spread Eagle in Mellor, Secret Santa and our World Cup Sweepstake came to a close. The results are in:

Winner: Argentina – James

Runner Up: France – Caroline

Wooden Spoon: Qatar – James

Thank you to our wonderful colleague Hussain for organising the sweepstake, and for entertaining us with his jokes and dazzling Christmas jumpers! Take a look at a small selection of photos from the festivities below...