We spoke in detial about ‘The Big Plan’ at our July Hear Us Heroes meeting, and explained that this was currently being reviewed.

We want to make the Sub Groups smaller and easier for more people to get involved in. 

We asked you as a group for your thoughts and suggestions. One idea was to have just 3 groups like they do in Lancashire

  • Living Well
  • Being Safe
  • Staying Healthy

As a group we looked at these and talked about what was important to us...

Living Well

  • Making sure that we are treated as individuals and that our views and wishes are listened to.
  • Making sure the staff who support us are skilled and well trained.
  • Making sure that staff have the right values to be working with individuals who have a learning disability and autism.
  • Making sure people can access and take part in the events and activities that happen in their community.
  • Good access to services.
  • Helping to make sure that services respond when we are in need of their support.


Being Safe

  • Quality checking of services by the group – making sure that we can see what’s good and what’s not good, and that services are meeting our needs.
  • Checking that everyone has their rights protected when important decisions are being made about them.
  • Friends and family – making sure services understand how important it is to have people who care about us in our lives.
  • Helping to share information on how to stay safe online, at home or in hospital.
  • Making sure that there are lots of safe and interesting activities for us to do.


Staying Healthy

  • Telling professionals about what reasonable adjustments we want in health care.  Things like easy read, extra time spent on us or skilled staff who understand our needs.
  • Helping to improve the support when we use health services.
  • Making sure people are not ignored when they have an illness just because they have a learning disability or because they are autistic.
  • Look at how we can have healthy relationships with family and friends.
  • Good information about how to speak up in a health setting.


We enjoyed lots of really good discussions about these groups, and have written it all down to be saved by the team at Care Network. This will help us to feedback to the groups when they are up and running.